

    Caracterización Microestructural de Aleaciones de Zr-2.5Nb Mediante el Tratamiento Estadístico de Micrografías



    Mariana Lani Saumel

    Ingeniera Química. UBA - Argentina
    Doctor en Ciencia y Tecnología, Mención Física. Instituto Sabato. UNSAM, CNEA - Argentina


    Dra. Patricia B. Bozzano. CNEA, CONICET - Argentina
    Dr. Raul A. Versaci - UNSAM - Argentina

    Lugar de realización

    División Microscopía Electrónica del Departamento Caracterización y Fractomecánica - Gerencia de Materiales, GAEN -CNEA - Argentina

    Fecha Defensa5/12/2023

    Ing. Mariana Arias. GAEN, Instituto D.Beninson - Argentina
    Dra. Carolina Vazquez. CNEA, UNSAM - Argentina
    Lic. Victor Diego Martin. CNEA, UTN - Argentina

    CódigoIT/TM: 237/23


    Complete Title

    Microstructural Characterization of Zr-2.5Nb Alloys by Statistical Treatment of Micrographs.


    The Embalse Nuclear Power Plant (CNE) is a CANada Deuterium Uranium
    (CANDU) type reactor. CANDU reactor pressure tubes are made of Zr-2.5Nb alloy. This
    alloy has a biphasic αZr+βNb structure, with the α-Zr phase being the majority phase.
    One of the CNE's acceptance criteria for Zr-2.5Nb alloy pressure tubes is based
    on the α-Zr phase width. This measurement is made by scanning electron microscopy
    (SEM) and is manually measured by software, taking an average of 2500 measurements
    per sample. In this work, a semi-automatic phase width measurement method was
    developed through image analysis, superimposing grids at different angles and
    processing the data obtained through a method based on experimental data and
    statistical indicators, in order to minimize the influence of the human factor.
    The developed methods were subjected to statistical tests in order to verify their
    goodness of fit and robustness, demonstrating that the developed method is robust and
    meets the established criteria of precision and veracity, which makes it a possible
    method to be used at routinely for the measurement of the α-Zr phase width

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